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- Complete inventory of birds with special focus on bird species with marketing potential for birdwatchers.

Know your birds, explore your potential.


- Designing and developing successful birding bird photography products in your Hotel or Nature Park.

from the yard to the web.


- Bird-related training for customer service staff.

we all need to understand our customers.


- Birders/ bird-photography oriented Marketing and Branding.

make your place visible to the eyes of the MILLIONS of birders out there.


- Birding ground agent and/or representative for tour companies or hotels.

Just leave it in the hands of an expert.

Make your birdwatching-related business "flight high" with a truly avitourism expert...

Birding and bird-photography consultancy services for business owners and organizations:

PLEASE NOTE: This section of the website is still under construction, please write to Juan Diego to asking for more details of every specific case and he will be willing to help.

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